Monday 22 November 2010

The health benefits of sponge pudding

I'm justifying the fact that I lived off cake today because of the healthy ingredients (blatantly ignoring the 'healthy in much more moderation' ingredients). I made microwave sponge pudding. I made extra for my housemates (extra brownie points, so it was almost angelic of me to make it and eat it).

It is from the book The cake Scoffer by Ronny. I also want to try the very simple cheesecake recipe as I have struggled to find a simple one.

I used wholemeal flour, black treacle and saltanas. So wholegrain, iron and fruit.

I have asked for Return of the Cake Scoffer for Christmas.

I forgot to mention the emotional health benefits of the pudding. Warm, comforting, easy food to get you to a place where you can study.

1 comment:

  1. I look forward to stealing recipes out of Return of the Cake Scoffer, sounds brilliant!!



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